On the tenth day of our journey from Troy, we landed on the land of the lotus eaters. We had our own food and drink and then i sent 3 of my men to explore the land. When they came upon the lotus eaters, they weren't killed or taken prisoner, but simply were asked to try eating the sweet, honey flavored, lotus' that the native fed on. At the first taste of this food, men lost all desire they had to journey home and they forget all they know. My men that had tried the lotus did not want to continue on with us, but rather stay on the island with the rest of the lotus eaters. It was with a heavy heart and tearful eyes that I tied these men up and put them on my ship. I then informed my men that we were to ready our ships and leave this island before another of my comrades ate the lotus and forget all about their home and loved ones.
-trevor jepsen